​Things that Matter More than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s Divorce:

1. The Migrant Crisis

2. Population of Homeless People In America

3. Black Lives Matter Vs. No They Don’t

4. The Flint, Michigan’s water crisis

5. The Fact that the NFL has become a tax-free monster that’s too big to fail

6. Your own marriages, families, and relationships

7. Isis

8. The amt of people murdered in Chicago this year

9. The US Presidential Debate and the extremist hatred brewing on each side

10. The Fact that women don’t have equal pay as men

11. Culture Vultures

12. The Brexit

13. The racist lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner that we pretend don’t exist while asking Kaepernick to salute the flag

14. Global Warming

15. World Hunger

16. The less than 1% of the world’s population that holds over 99% of the world’s wealth

17. Lack of Mental health all over the world demonstrated by bombings and terrorism

18. The fact that the world has used Africa for all of its’ natural resources then convinces them to kill each other in civil wars

19. Corrupt justice system that Law and Order SVU warned us about that ignores murderers & rapists but punishes someone with a dime bag of weed. I thought sexually-based offenses were considered especially heinous…

20. Religion and the downfall of a world out of touch with its spiritual side

Written By: A. Thinker