Working Hard v. Working Smart
“Work smart not hard!” We all hear this saying pretty often, and some of us hate to hear it because it sounds like “let’s take the easy route.” Luckily this isn’t the case for everyone who uses this saying. In some cases it means using the correct form when you workout to increase your progression, it means spending your time efficiently to keep a well balanced life, keeping physically, mentally, and spiritually balanced/strong to increase your positivity in life.
For instance, a great workout can be done in 30 minutes, but the intensity level has to almost double. If your not a skilled or informed gymrat spend more time doing your workouts to ensure your working “smart” and correctly improving your form and workouts. Remember everything you do is mental, which shows why we put our mind to goals in life. Keeping up with your spiritual well being can also assist in smart preparation due to the mental strength it creates.
In conclusion we all work for what we want in many different ways, but working “smart” just helps to keep all other aspects of your life in order while you strive for particular goals.