10 Excuses of Why Im Overweight

In today’s world we have a heighten knowledge on what’s good or bad for our health. We know there are hundreds or thousands of ways to live a healthy lifestyle. But still there are factors that stop some of us from achieving our own health goals! Here are the top 10 from a previous client of Strong Mind & Body Fitness.

10) There’s always someone fatter than you that makes you feel not so fat.

9) Menus advertise s**t as healthy but it’s not i.e. Almost everything at Zoes has over 1000 grams of sodium but they are advertised as healthy.

8) It always feels like there’s time to change making it easier to put off. Oh I’ll start over again in August which becomes sept etc.

7) Gym culture sucks. Equipment is confusing, the muscle heads are intimidating, and the employees seem pushy.

6) Not seeing results. I think the longest I ever stuck to one of these health and exercise plans was 3 months. Others saw results in me but I didn’t. I’m probably the unrealistic one.

5) Seeing results. The second you see results of your workout/ diet isn’t something you’ve grown to like after some results it’s like “f this ish”

4) Not enough realistic healthy role models or examples. The Herbalife, crossfit, athletic people you know badger more than they encourage. Not approachable!

3) Excuses per season. In summer it’s too hot, in winter it’s too cold to workout, only concerned when working on a “summer body” in winter you can cover the bulges

2) Being truly healthy seems pricy. Spending money on healthy/organic food. Gym, yoga membership.

1) It’s all time consuming. I don’t want to use the little time I have to relax doing workouts.

Don’t for a second think that these excuses don’t hit all of us at some point, but we have to see these excuses as a challenges to ourselves. Whether you’re cold, hot, tired, lazy, short, tall, skinny, or fat there are solutions to be found. Don’t wait until tomorrow!!